Find Out What Your Personal Brand Says About You.
TAKE THE BRAND STRENGTH TESTWhen working with high performance professionals and women in leadership, I get asked all the time, “How do I find new clients and greater opportunities to grow my business or advance my career and leadership development prospects?”
My answer is simple: Know your ideal target audience, amplify your gifts and lead from a place of service. When you can do these 3 simple things, you will feel more empowered, energised and in control. And best of all, you will be a magnet for opportunity!
First Identify Your Ideal Clients
This is personal branding 101, but unfortunately, it is also something that most people can’t answer! If this sounds like you, then stop what you’re doing in your personal brand and leadership space to get crystal clear around who exactly you want to serve.
You must get clear on the kind of clients you are aiming to attract and understand the problems you are solving to put yourself in front of the people, businesses, or communities you can best serve.
Knowing who your ideal client means, you can design a personal brand and leadership strategy that is deliberate, targeted and on point. You can better communicate and connect the dots on how your product or services can help them and position yourself in a way that makes sense to your target market.
Then the next step is to ….
Other Useful Links And Resources:
Give Your Confidence a Boost and Amplify Your Voice as a Female Leader + Personal Brand Worksheet
What Makes a Personal Brand Successful? + Brand Success Guide
Put Yourself In Front Of Your Ideal Client
Women leaders today have new opportunities and practices at their fingertips to empower their brands and advance their career or leadership roles than in the past. When you open your mind to what is possible, you see high-level potential all around you.
Sometimes we forget about all the personal brand value and assets we have built over the years. Our brand value is earned from a lifetime of building associations, partners, and collaborations. They can be sitting right in front of our noses! Also, start to take stock of the online platforms, brand and business assets, and the resources you have available to you as a female leader today.
To achieve success in your business or career, you need to know how to maximise and leverage the opportunities right before you and create new ones.
Your LinkedIn profile, past and present clients, colleagues, mentors, family, networks, community groups, friends, social media, media contacts, people you met at training events, lunches or dinner parties… (the list is endless!) These are all potentially valuable brand and business associations and assets. Some of them may even be your ideal client or can unlock opportunities for you to get in front of your perfect client.
So, create a master list of your key stakeholders, networks and connections, then categorise them to consider ways you may better nurture them, serve them, foster partnerships, collaborations, growth and learning.
Finally, it is essential to understand and take charge of your brand and career. You need to know what you want, who you want to do business with and how to go about getting it. You must be visible and present your personal brand and image, so it connects with the hearts and minds of your target audience, and the right people will want to work with you.
Do What You Love, Amplify Your Gifts, Use Them To Better Serve Others
If you love what you do, this will be reflected in how you serve others. You will be inspired to share your knowledge, insights, and ideas, making you more valuable as a female leader.
In the process, you will elevate your personal brand and level the playing field in the gender equality stakes by building greater trust, loyalty, and authority as an industry leader.
For most women in leadership, it is daunting to shift out of their comfort zone, step out of their shells and promote themselves and their work. It can be a daunting proposition to courageously share your worth with the world when you are plagued by self-doubt, insecurity or lack of confidence. However, it becomes a lot easier when we live authentically, following our passions and using our talents to help and inspire others.
Women Empowerment Online Training Programs And Self-coaching Resources.
If you’re ready to invest in a strong and authentic personal brand to grow your business and attract new clients, join my Woman of Confidence Members’ Club.
You will access my vault of personal brand coaching and training resources, online leadership coaching, and proven mindset and female empowerment principles to level up your brand confidence and position you as an industry leader.
Also, check out my highly successful Personal Brand Accelerator Online Course, one of the best online personal branding courses for women in leadership who are ready to step up, own their space and make their mark!
I have channelled my years as a personal brand, leadership and executive coach into this powerful online course guaranteed to fast-track your brand and get high-performance results.
Login>> to Woman of Confidence Members’ Club now to access my proven tips and brand strategies that will strengthen your brand image and become the unstoppable female leader that you are meant to be!
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To your success,