Your Customer Avatar Guide


In today’s hyper competitive world, the online space is the new marketplace for leaders to Be Seen, Be Heard, and Be Noticed.

In fact, online is often the first touchpoint for those getting to know you!

But putting yourself out there and joining the conversation can often feel daunting and honestly, completely overwhelming at times!

You might be plagued with doubt: Who am I to teach others? Why would they want to listen to me? What on earth should I write about?!

And importantly: will others value my opinions, insight, and ideas?

All of these thoughts can feel overwhelming, and hold you back from making the first move to grow your authority, influence, and worth.

The very same thing happened when I wrote my first article!

I was so scared to publish it: I became so anxious and frustrated thinking about how people would perceive me. In fact, it sat in my draft folder for ages until I finally had the courage to publish it to my profile…

And what happened next was magical!

People I didn’t even know started to comment and engage with my thoughts!

It was both empowering and rewarding to know that what I had to say mattered to others! They had listened to what I said, had learnt something, and had even joined the  conversation by commenting and sharing.

And you know what? It felt really good!

What I learned from this was this: my overwhelm, anxiety and frustration was my own resistance to the challenge. I was my own worst enemy and I was getting in my own way.

I was focused on making excuses and focusing on why I shouldn’t write, instead of the feeling and pleasure of the outcome.

You may not feel like people are interested in what you have to say – but guess what? They are! Or, to be more specific, the right people are.

The secret is writing the right content for the right kind of people. You could be a great writer – but if you’re not talking to and making an impact on the people you want to reach, it may be falling on deaf ears.

However, writing great, compelling, and insightful content is a skill that can be learned!

So – today’s the day!

Drop any resistance you have around putting yourself out there as a leader – be brave, be bold, and take the first step towards sharing your worth with the digital world!

Why Share Content?

It’s simple, really: there’s nothing else that can change your professional game, grow your authority, and build your personal brand – for free, might I add! – than consistently publishing quality content online.

Creating great content can position you as an authority in your field, offering insight, sharing tips, and creating genuine relationships with your audience, but writing the right kind of content? There’s an art to that!

Read on to discover 7 tips to help you craft persuasive and compelling content that truly resonates with your target audience.

female leader looking at he laptop


So now we’ve covered the what and the why – so now it’s time to look at the how.

There are a few steps you need to take to recognise and unpack how you can create content online that really resonates with your target niche and helps them value your worth and value to your industry.

Let’s start with the most important: identifying your niche!

1. Know Your Niche

Don’t try to be everything to everyone!

If you’re trying to be all things to all people it’s difficult to make an impact and gain authority – especially in an already-oversaturated digital landscape.

When you “pick a lane”, so to speak, you can stand out, foster genuine connections, and share your message with the people who most need to hear it.

Each piece of content you procured needs to have a purpose, so ask yourself:

  • Who am I writing this for? Have I identified the person who this article should ‘speak’ to?
  • What are their pain points – and how can I connect with these?
  • What do I want them to take away from this piece?
  • How can I keep the conversation going?

So who is your audience?

The more you know about them, the more you can connect with them. Finding your niche will allow you to align your conversation with their pain points, their interests, and their goals.

And that will help you to connect with and convert more easily!

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2. Connect Your Heart With Your Mind

Your mind is a powerful tool, but so too are your emotions.

Tap into them, and unpack how you can form an emotional connection to your niche.

Whether that’s identifying a pain point, acknowledging their goals and desires, or sharing your own experience (more on that in step 3!) you’ll leave a lasting impression.

Happy, sad, motivated, inspired: if you can make your readers feel, you’ll engage them on a much deeper level!

So don’t be afraid to show it in your writing! Craft text that packs a punch: be personable, genuine, relatable, and share stories and insights that make the right people sit up and pay attention!

3. Share Your Story

One of the best ways to truly resonate with your audience is by sharing the ways that you, personally, can relate.

Take this very blog post, for example: at the start, I told you about the time I myself was overwhelmed with the thought of publishing my words, and how I fought the urge to slink into the shadows and instead took the leap to share my thoughts and value with the world!

I overcame my hesitations – and you can too!

Finding that common ground fosters amazing connections – and will allow people to connect with you on a more personal level, relate to you, aspire for something greater and importantly, trust you.

Blog Image Write In Your Own Voice

Sharing your vulnerabilities takes bravery, and lets your audience get to know you on a deeper and more personal level.

It helps you build awareness for your purpose, your passion, and what you stand for – and each of these elements is critical in building and strengthening your personal brand and ensuring you’re seen as a powerful and confident female leader!

Reading an anecdote or seeing a story that makes your reader stop and think – “Hey, that’s happened to me too!” or, “That’s how I sometimes feel, as well!” goes such a long way in building trust with your audience, and instilling confidence in your abilities.

4. Write In Your Own Voice

You want to be authentic in every way – so why would your online voice be any different?

Write naturally – as if you were writing a letter or speaking face to face with a friend.

Don’t try to be anyone other than yourself.

You’ll find the words will best start to flow when you stop worrying about what other people will think of you, and instead focus on what you want people to know, learn, or feel!

Shift your mindset, focus, and attention back to you: your goal, your purpose, and the impact you can make on your audience!

When you can develop your own unique voice that reflects who you are, your values, and vision, you will unburden yourself from worrying about other people’s expectations and find the freedom and guidance you seek.

You will write with greater clarity and discover a whole new level of confidence will emerge in your writing through the practice of speaking your truth.

The key to this is to remember you are enough, and what you have to say to the world matters!

5. Start with something easy

The best things to write about are the things you know best!

Choose a topic where you can thrive and share your gifts, and you are in alignment emotionally so the initial effort is reduced (without affecting the quality of the final piece), and you can get into a routine.

It will also help you determine the time you need to allocate to crafting a piece, and therefore what your content calendar can look like.

Importantly, you should find joy in the journey of creating your piece – not just in the final product, because of course, when you actually enjoy writing, that pleasure will be reflected in your words!

woman holding orange on her eyes

6. Be Consistent – But Realistic, Too

Leave your audience wanting more, and keep them coming back!

Importantly – don’t leave them hanging!

As professional women in leadership, you want to be heard and you want to grow your influence.

But one of the biggest struggles holding you back is the fine art of time!

You‘ve got the passion, the purpose, and the insight – but you struggle to find the time to turn that into a compelling narrative.

While consistency is important, so too is the drive to publish purposeful content: prioritise quality over quantity, and don’t fall into the trap of publishing lacklustre content purely for the sake of meeting your quota.

Do what’s realistic, work on an achievable content calendar, and ensure that each piece not only has a purpose, but has heart and meaning, too.

7. Repurpose Your Blog Content Into A Short Video (Vlog)

The demand for video content online is massive and increasing every day.

Video is not just a platform for YouTubers and social influencers; it’s a powerful marketing tool to build your personal brand, authority, recognition, and voice as a leader in your niche.

People are more likely to pay attention to video content, but if you are like most professional women, unless you’re used to talking to a camera, the very thought of making videos will cause you some anxiety!

So don’t overthink it!

You don’t have to remember long video scripts, simply repurpose your blog content into short sharp professional ‘vlogs’ to get you started.

Having pre-written your blog content, you will be familiar with what you want to say, how you want to say it, and you will be less likely to get ‘stage fright’ once the camera is on!

Delivering 30-60-second snippets (or sound bites) of your blog content as a series of videos to post on your social media platforms is a great way to stand out from the crowd and your competitors.

But remember to be consistent with your professional online image, too,  so you don’t undermine your authority, credibility or public image.

You can learn more about How To Elevate Your Professional Image Online here>>


Download Your FREE Customer Avatar Guide And Get Clarity On The People You Wish To Connect With The Most!

The first step to crafting quality, impactful content online is knowing who you want to speak to!

To put it bluntly: there’s no use spending valuable time and resources engaging with people who have no intention of purchasing from you, or have no influence on those that already do.

Building your customer avatar will impact every aspect of your marketing and communications and help you to understand how to speak to your audience, connect and relate to them.

It’s a critical first step you need to take if you want to start sharing powerful, compelling, persuasive, and authentic messages!

Login>> to Woman of Confidence now to access your free download now!

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To your success,

Suzie Lightfoot Signature

Your Customer Avatar Guide