Download: 7 Steps to Reboot Your Personal Brand.
DOWNLOAD NOWPeople often talk about having a strong sense of self and confidence in the face of doubt and negativity. Self-help books encourage readers to “ignore what other people say” and to “not care about other people’s opinions.” That’s all well and good but it doesn’t really fly in the real world, does it?
The truth of the matter is, what people think and say about you, your brand, and your professional image IS important. You SHOULD care about what’s being said about your brand reputation, credibility and authority. Why? Because your personal brand success relies on it!
Now, don’t get me wrong. You should definitely develop high self-esteem and a positive relationship with yourself BUT, you should also be aware of your public image especially when you’re aiming for the top.
In my years as a public figure, I have had my fair share of both good and bad press. I’ve learned so much about managing my own reputation that I can share some insights into creating a positive image (and self-image!). Also, as a personal branding and image coach, and business consultant I’ve worked with hundreds of high-powered top female executives and leaders to build their reputations and relationships with the press. And now, I want to help you.
If You Don’t Manage Your Brand Rep, Someone Else Will!
Your brand reputation is what other people say about you when you leave the room. And a strong brand reputation calls for a memorable personal brand. Your brand should be able to easily convey to people WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU STAND FOR.
So what happens if you don’t take care of your brand rep? It becomes easy for other people to create their own version of you to sell to the world. In today’s media crazed society, that’s definitely a dangerous possibility!
Just take a look at Taylor Swift, Meghan Markle, Hilary Clinton. These are all powerful, successful, and amazing women that had their reputations dragged through the mud. But instead of silently bowing their head, they took control of the narrative! They didn’t let strangers brand them, THEY SHOWED THE WORLD WHO THEY TRULY ARE.
Take your cue from these powerful women and be the writer of your story!

Your Brand Reputation is Your Lasting Legacy
Ask yourself “What do I want to be known for? How do I want people to remember me?”
Strip away your job title, accolade, skills, career highlights, wealth, and accomplishments and what do you see? This is your truest, most authentic self. This is the part that will impact people you encounter in life.
What kind of impression do you leave on people? Are you compassionate, kind, inspiring? What are you passionate about? How do you treat people? What do you do with your time and resources? Ultimately, your passions, personality, vision, and energy will be the foundation of what your legacy will be.
Your Brand Reputation Has a Significant Influence Over Your Success
In the age of Google and instant information access, it’s easy to judge and be judged. When you’re a business leader, top female executive, or entrepreneur, there’s more pressure to maintain a positive image.
People don’t want to waste their time and money on something that won’t give them value or will deliver a bad experience. Businesses understand the power of a good brand reputation and so should you.
Crafting a positive experience and connection is important to building a profitable
personal brand. Other businesses and industry leaders will also want to work with you based on your brand presence and reputation.

Your Brand Reputation is a Long-term Investment
There is no better marketing strategy or PR tactic than a well-received and authentic public image. Sure, it takes a lot of effort to build your reputation, but I promise it’s worth it when you finally hear other people recommending you and your services to their peers. The brand loyalty, trust, and relationship you establish will only help you grow in your career and develop your personal brand and business.
Ready for a Reputation Makeover? Let’s Work Together on Highlighting Your Best Qualities and Leadership Skills as a Strong, Empowered Woman.
As a personal branding coach and image consultant, I have worked with many successful female entrepreneurs and business leaders in crafting their authentic brands and online image.
You too can achieve your professional goals and become a confident woman at the top of their game.
Get special tips and resources by signing up for my Woman of Confidence Member’s Club and start your journey to becoming a thriving and reputable leader!
Other Useful Links And Resources:
Removing Your Fear About Building Your Personal Brand Online
How to Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out? + Personal Brand Worksheet

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To your success,