
Breaking the Cycle: How to Overcome Procrastination and Build Your Brand

By |2023-04-12T15:17:43+10:00March 22nd, 2023|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Brand and Image, Mindset, Personal Branding, Unlocking Brand|

End procrastination and take your career or business to the next level. Find out what steps you need to take in order to gain clarity, efficiency, and success with this helpful guide!

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The Best Way To Build A Personal Brand, So It Feels Comfortable, Fluid And Authentic.

By |2022-12-21T09:51:17+10:00December 2nd, 2022|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Brand and Image, Leadership, Mindset, Personal Branding, Unlocking Brand|

No matter what you’re doing, how long you’ve been doing it, or how amazing you are at it, there will always be other people who will question your brand, leadership style or business tactics. The key is to ignore these people and do what your instincts are telling you.

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Women Rising: The Secret To Unlock Your Next Level Of Impact And Visibility

By |2022-11-30T10:34:57+10:00November 23rd, 2022|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Brand and Image, Confidence, Leadership, Mindset|

Ready to go to the next level of impact and visibility but worried about how you will be perceived? Do you wonder, "what do I need to say? How should I say it? Do I need to show up all over the internet, become an influencer on social media and be seen at every networking event? Or is there an easier, more authentic way to share my power and presence as a female leader?" Here are some simple yet powerful strategies to help you create greater visibility and impact as a female industry leader so you can rise to new heights. They are part of my 5-step "Visibility Growth Formula".

What To Do When You’re Struggling With Motivation (And Personal Renewal) + Success Mindset Guide

By |2022-03-18T13:48:43+10:00February 11th, 2022|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Confidence, Mindset, Personal Branding|

So you've done all the right things. Set New Year resolutions, brand, leadership, career and business goals. You’ve even completed your 90-day success plan ready to launch yourself into another high-performance year. But it's already February, and you are stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed at the very thought of pouring your time, energy and efforts into another year of to-do lists and goal setting.

The Business Of You: The Mindset Shift That Changes Everything! + Worksheet

By |2022-03-18T13:50:09+10:00January 24th, 2022|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Brand and Image, Leadership, Mindset, Personal Branding|

Today's biggest myth about female leaders and corporate women is that you work for someone else! This simply isn't true. And if you think this way too, then think again. Many women in leadership struggle with gaining the recognition, authority and influence they desire in their industry. They work hard and put their heads down, believing that promotions, leadership roles, or business will be rolling in if they do so. But for many people this isn't their reality. Instead, they spend hours of their time stuck in the weeds, doing work that allows other people to look good, falling short of their career or leadership goals and aspirations.

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How To Benchmark Your Brand Success As A Female Leader

By |2022-03-07T12:34:37+10:00December 10th, 2021|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Brand and Image, Mindset, Personal Branding|

Developing a strong brand identity and professional image is a lifelong pursuit and achievement.  Yet there is no one size fits all approach to building an authentic personal brand if you want to stand out, make your mark and grow your influence as a market leader. In this article I share some key career challenges and decade markers you can use to measure if you are on track.

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Investing In Yourself To Get Paid What You’re Worth As A Female Leader

By |2022-03-07T12:38:14+10:00December 3rd, 2021|Brand and Image, Goal Setting, Leadership, Mindset|

As women leaders juggling work-life balance and lack of confidence in our ability is universal. Yet research indicates that 85% of professional women want to reach a more senior role or elevate their careers and businesses. As female entrepreneurs, this dilemma is amplified as we struggle more with a lack of courage and self-confidence in our abilities as entrepreneurs than men. We second guess our competence and commitment to create businesses from our ideas, put them out there and build rewarding and profitable businesses. Instead, you can start taking control of your career or business, boost your confidence, step up as an industry leader, or become a successful female entrepreneur and trailblaze your way to greater success and financial freedom.

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Marketing Your Personal Brand and Professional Image (Without Boasting!) + Free Guide

By |2022-03-06T22:25:39+10:00November 12th, 2021|Brand and Image, Mindset, Networking, Personal Branding|

Women in leadership can struggle with self-marketing as many professionals are hesitant to market and promote themselves because they don’t want people to think they’re arrogant or boastful. But the truth is, self-marketing is an essential tool for success for every professional woman in business. And if accomplished in the right way, you should feel comfortable and confident sharing your worth with the world. Having a strong and authentic personal brand is the best way to amplify your value, make your mark and feel more empowered without saying a word. It is one of the most crucial steps in getting to the top!

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Creating An Entrepreneurial Mindset As A Female Leader

By |2022-03-06T12:46:56+10:00November 5th, 2021|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Confidence, Leadership, Mindset|

The Entrepreneurial Mindset is a system of characteristics and qualities female entrepreneurs employ when they’re building and managing their own business ventures and thriving in their fast-paced, competitive industries.

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Learn Industry Secrets from Those in the Know. Here’s Why You Should Look for a Mentor and Professional Adviser

By |2022-03-10T14:03:47+10:00September 10th, 2021|Be Heard, Be Noticed, Brand and Image, Goal Setting, Leadership, Mindset, Personal Branding|

No one ever starts as an expert who knows the ins and outs, the dos and don’ts of their industry. I can assure you that every successful person (and I mean everyone) helped get to where they are. And I can guarantee that at some point in their careers, they relied on the guidance of one or several mentors to achieve their dreams. As a personal branding and small business coach, I have mentored and worked with hundreds of female leaders and entrepreneurs in personal branding, leadership development, and self-empowerment. Learn the importance of mentorship and how it helps you build your personal brand and amplify your voice that stands out!

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